
Sunday, October 3, 2010

Farm House

This week was the first official week that Wired moved into its new and current location: my house...aka Pete and Alice Brokopp's house. However I am going to try and see if calling it the Farm House will actually catch on.  I mean there is 2 cats and a turtle.

Wired went good, a few glitches though.  The powerpoint wasn't ready, the projector wasn't set up, and it didn't go as smoothly as I would like BUT it still went good.  About 25-30 kids came (the found the new place!).  I think that the more I am use to having it here and the more I am use to me being in charge the smoother it will go.

We are currently in a series on the Fruits of the Spirit.  So far so good!  Although I haven't seen too many fruits come out of it yet - I am hopeful!  I think God will do a lot of work through these kids!

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