
Saturday, July 11, 2009

10 things I didn't think I would miss.

As it turns out I really loved my time in Africa – I'm sure you all could tell that from every blog I wrote while I was gone.  But even things that were not that great I'm finding myself missing – how weird is that?! 

So here is the list of weird things that I may not have loved while I was gone and yet am craving to have them back again:

1. Warm milk – I'm a big fan of cold milk but shelf milk is very popular in South Africa and I was starting to get use to it.

2. Winter – its just really hot here.  I find myself wishing that just for 5 minutes it would rain enough to keep me cool (I suppose its good I came here first instead of Redding).

3. The word now meaning later – now means now here, now in South Africa means in 10 or 15 minutes.  Just now is even better – that means anywhere between a half hour and days…

4. Diversity – every black person I see (which is few and far between) I want to run up and hug.

5. Children – I'm getting confused why when I walk anywhere kids are not running up and holding onto my legs.  It is easier to move around but I'm missing those beautiful faces looking up at me.

6. Xhosa and Afrikaans  - couldn’t understand a word but I miss those beautiful languages and even being out of the loop.

7. Being the one with the accent – I was the one that people would giggle at because I said the English words funny.

8. Security – okay so I actually do not miss the insecurity that one felt when walking around but I do miss the community of always being with people.  This is funny cus when I was there I just needed alone time every once in awhile. 

9. The ocean – okay so I loved it when I was there too and I just miss it now.

10. Construction – so for the two months I was living in a house under construction and every day was like camping.  I kinda want to cook in the living room.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Back in the States

So I made it home!  I'm sorry that I didn’t tell you until today.  Things got crazy once I got home and the time change was a little bit hard to adjust to.  But, I think I am nearly all over my jet lag! 

I can’t believe that I made it back.  It’s crazy that my internship is already over.  I feel like I just started it.  God has taught me a ton over the last few months and has really showed up on this trip.  Thank you to all of you who prayed for me – I really feel like it made a huge difference.  For example – usually on trips like this I get very sick but I did not get sick the entire time!  I did get food poisoning last week but it only lasted a night and a day and I was all better before my flight home.  I also can walk away saying that my internship was a success.  I learned a lot, I enjoyed my time, I made a ton of friends, and I got to be in ministry all time – so great!  Again, I cannot begin to tell you how deeply thankful I am for the support you all have given me. 

My last week in Africa was hard.  It was hard saying goodbye to all of the people that I am just getting to know.  It was hard looking at the children and saying goodbye and not being able to tell them when I may see them again.  We did have a wonderful last day in Red Hill though.  The guys that we work with, Stanton and Mzo, planned a wonderful going away club where we gathered with all the children and sang songs and danced and were given just time with the kids to talk to them and hang out.  It was great!  When it was over they took me into Papa Williams house and said how thankful they were for my help and we had cake and said sad goodbyes. 

With some of the older boys in Red Hill on my last day!

Unfortunately my last day in Masiphumelele was the Wednesday before I left and I didn’t even know it!  I got food poisoning on Thursday night and was unable to go to Masi on Friday to say goodbye.  It turned out that I wouldn’t have been able to say goodbye anyways because the rioting in Masi has just gotten worse and we weren’t allowed to go in.  I'm sad that I didn’t get to say goodbye to the Vulnerable Children but I'm sure Ritmwa told them for me.  My food poisoning also made me miss my own going away party that was supposed to have occurred on Friday morning.  Bum!  But everything worked out and I just said goodbye to people separately. 

Goodbye at the airport to Vuyani and Nceba the boys that moved in with us.

Now I am back in the States and adjusting to another culture – my own.  I'm in Ellensburg right now but since I got back I have been to my parents house in Cloverland.  Ill be here for the next few weeks getting ready for my friend Michelle’s wedding, which is on the 18th.  Then it’s back to my parents for harvest. 

Again – thank you guys for following my blog and praying for me.  You are all amazing and I'm so blessed to have you in my life.  If any of you would like to get together with me and hear more I would love to!  Send me and email at and we can make plans!