
Sunday, October 18, 2009

Christ our coming King!

Homework. That’s my day. Sad eh? Really sad. But it’s been interesting. I stayed up far to late last night and then woke up far to early worrying about this interesting homework. Praise Jesus that this is my last semester. Anyways my homework. In my Simpson class we are going over all the doctrine of the CMA. Today I had to read and write a summery/reflection on the last two distinctives of the fourfold gospel. The first two are Christ our Savior and Christ our Sanctifier. The ones I reflected on today are Christ our Healer and Christ our coming King. So I was nearly floored with Christ our coming King today. I don’t really know much about the second coming nor have I ever put much time into trying to know. It’s always seemed a little messy and confusing – I think that’s how many of us feel about it but I learned some pretty interesting things today.

A.B. Simpson starts this off by talking about how there is hope from Christ our coming King. Towards the end he discusses blessings that will come to us when Christ returns. They are really beautiful! The first one that he discusses is that Jesus will be with us. I had to stop and control myself right then. You see I just was overcome with the idea of Jesus being with us. Right here. In person! How amazing is that? I just can’t help but smile and get so excited at the thought of it. In fact while I was sitting in starbucks thinking about it my heart went up in my throat and I nearly started to cry from the joy that the thought brought me. The other blessings that come are not nearly as exciting but they floored me as well – the whole family of Christ will be together (I think that includes those of the past also - like my grandpa), we will be given perfect spirits and restored to His image – healed, we will have perfect bodies, we will be given a high service to do his blessed work, Satan will be defeated and banished, and it will bring blessing to the whole world. Isn’t that amazing?

I also appreciated how Simpson didn’t just leave it at the blessings we get but continued on with application of where this should leave us while we wait. It gave me perspective and inspiration to continue on in the service that he has called me to do and not sit in complacency. Simpson was right to start off the chapter talking about how this forth distinctive gives us hope. I am full of hope right now and inspired to continue on even when I feel like I am unable to anymore.