
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

My two months is just about up – I leave on Sunday.  I still can’t believe how fast time has flown by.  I'm sad that this is my last week.  At T for T yesterday morning I had to tell two of my favorite ladies (although I have a lot of favorites) that I would be leaving in one week.  Nomandla said that it was indeed bad news and that just as she starts to get to know me I have to leave.  I think its time for me to not be a short time person any more.  I think God needs to plant me somewhere so that I don’t have to say good-bye so often.  We will see.

I mentioned to you guys about the break in we had last week.  Things have calmed down quite a bit since then.  It helps that we have guys living with us – a good sense of security.  Plus these two guys add to the community we have here; its nice not having it so quiet.

Ministry this past week went very well – I seem to have a lot of good weeks here!  Most everything was what I usually do, Red Hill children’s ministry, Masi Vulnerable Children’s clubs, visiting with women, bible studies, ect.  We did not have bible study on Wednesday because of the death in Red Hill but we did have services to go to in the evening.  They were…interesting!  Everything was Xhosa so I didn’t understand a thing and there was a lot of yelling/preaching!  The person who is speaking gets all worked up in their preaching and then as soon as they take a breath everyone else breaks into singing – even if the person is not done.  It was quite an experience! 

This weekend I went to a local beach called Boulders Beach.  At this beach there are South African penguins!  I have wanted to see them since I got here and so it was such a treat to finally be able to!  I also got to play in the ocean and just have a fun relaxing day.  

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Living on a Prayer

Totally listening to Bon Jovi in the lounge right now :)

Some Crazy things have been happening here on the home front. Site 5 (or Masi) has been experiencing some hard times. I do not know many details but people are upset in the Wet Lands because they have to move but do not have anywhere to go and so riots have been taking place all week. Funny story though - a movie has been being filmed in Masi for a week and on Friday there was a huge commotion at the entrance to Masi. We have 5 American girls visiting who thought that the commotion was the filming of the movie. However, it was really a huge riot! So these girls drive right through the middle of it, waving as they go, thinking everything is just fine. They thought all the police with guns and people yelling was just part of the movie!! Thankfully they are fine and we can laugh about it now!

The other thing that happened was we had a break in 2 nights ago here at the Africa house. We had some guests staying with us in one of the out buildings who did not lock their room and had a bag stolen. They noticed their stuff was gone around midnight but didn't want to wake me up. However, at 2:30 in the morning some man called their cell phone saying he found one of their passports and medicine by the streetlight. The man sounded pretty sketch so they woke me up and we decided to call the cops. By the time we went with the police to where the man said to meet him he was long gone. He was totally legit though because he called the next morning and the guy got the important stuff back. We three girls staying at the house were pretty shaken up by the whole thing so we had 2 guys from Masi that we know and trust come and move in with us. We are already thankful they are here because we came home late last night and by the time I got to the door the one guy was waiting for us because he heard footsteps outside.

So, crazy, exciting stuff is going on but God is totally protecting us and caring for us. In fact I spent the whole day in Masi walking around and meeting people and had no problem at all. Instead we met some wonderful ladies and prayed with them and blessed their homes. This afternoon we hung out with the vulnerable children and I taught them the story of Noah - fun times!

Also, don't be freaked out by this blog - especially you mom and dad! Im being smart - locking everything, walking around with locals, and pushing the emergency buttons when needed! haha :) (but that doesn't mean you should stop praying for me!!)
Thank you guys for everything!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Back on the farm!

I had the amazing opportunity to go on a mini road trip east of where I am staying to a friend of mines farm!  We went last weekend for a short break from ministry.  It was really neat for me to see what a farm is like in South Africa.  Surprisingly – it’s very similar to my dad’s farm!  The farmer does no till dry land farming (which is easier when there is a lot of rain).  He grows wheat and barley.  He also had sheep – this was a new experience for me.  I feel like I now know a little about sheep and the more I learned the more sad I became because we are referred to as sheep in the bible!  Haha.  We drove around the flocks looking for lambs that were left or rejected by their mothers and for sheep that were giving birth that needed help.  It was…messy.  Haha.  The whole weekend was wonderful and I'm so thankful that I got to go! 

Now for some highlights:

Kids club in Red Hill has been amazing!  I love these kids so much!  I am still going three times a week to help with the clubs and have made a ton of friends!  I enjoy just loving on these children by playing with them, holding them, singing with them, and sharing Jesus with them.  This week some of the teens have warmed up to me.  This is a blessing because I wanted to hang out with them a bit – it’s been so difficult trying to get them to feel comfortable with us.  Christianne and I are going to try to do a youth gathering next week – hopefully all goes well!  (You can pray for that!)

Things in Red Hill have been difficult this week.  A lady passed away last Monday (a week ago).  She is the sister of a person of peace in the township that we work very closely with.  It was very unexpected.  Through this process I am seeing how a different cultures deal with death – very interesting.  Everyday until the body is moved to where they were originally from, family, friends, and neighbors gather together to mourn.  This has been going on all week and will until next Thursday.  To show that you care about the family and support them you are supposed to go to these services.  The first night we went and I had to stand up and say a few words!  It was VERY short notice and a little awkward but God supplied words and hopefully it helped the whole process.  I haven’t had to speak again since then but I still have a whole week of services!  One of the guys here was telling me that this is a very important time to be bold and share Jesus because many Africans don’t have a very good understanding of death and dying and not much of a belief of what happens after death – this makes death very difficult to deal with.  We are praying that God is softening and opening up the hearts of all the people.

This past week I also went into Cape Town to Bo Kaap.  Bo Kaap is the section of Cape Town where all the Muslims live.  All the Muslims were moved into the section during the apartheid.  It’s a very beautiful community with bright buildings.  I also went to All Nations discipleship house that works with Muslim women.  They give them jobs with making jewelry and share the gospel with them.  All of the women come from other African countries and last year during the Xenophobia they were chased out of the townships. 

Houses in Bo Kaap

This past weekend was very good – relaxing a bit!  I was able to hang out with my friend Matt in Kalk Bay on Saturday.  Yesterday I had a slow morning but in the afternoon I headed up to Red Hill to watch soccer games and visit several of our friends.  Early this morning the house is even emptier!  2 more of our guys left for outreach in Mozambique leaving just three girls to live in the Africa house: Ritmwa, Annari, and me.  Should be an interesting last 2 weeks. 

Thanks for your continued prayers!  You guys are amazing!! J

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Am I in charge?

Prolly not.  J  Last week started with Raymond handing me the keys to the Africa House and saying that he needed me to run it.  Thankfully all that really included was being the person who locked and unlocked everything.  But never the less I was a little stressed out. 

This last week has also been a week of goodbyes.  Raymond left to fly his wife home because soon she will not be able to fly because she is pregnant.  The Swiss-German couple that has been living here with their 3 adorable girls left Thursday.  Now the house is 8 people less and extremely quiet and boring without kids around. 

Most everything is still the same.  Home schooling was good this past week.  Red Hill children’s ministry was amazing again.  The Vulnerable Children in Masi went well (although it was a little chaotic). 

A home in Red Hill

I do have 2 highlight stories for last week:

I randomly went to a dance that some Masi teens were having for the American team visiting.  I was able to see some really neat local dancing from some hard working youth!  While I was watching I was thinking that one of the young boys looked so familiar.  After the show I went and asked him what his name was.  It turns out that he was a boy that I had met when I was here last 2 years ago!  He totally remembered me!  When I was here we had a good time together talking and getting to know each other.  There was something about this young boy that drew me to him.  Now, 2 years later, I get to see him working hard to stay out of the temptation that townships have to offer and lead a dancing team.  Plus he is way taller J.  God is so Good. 

Lastly, Ritmwa and I visited a woman who has HIV/AIDS.  We prayed with her and encouraged her.  She is very sick and is not doing as well as we had hoped.  She is looking for work (like most of the people who live in the townships) and is hoping to work next week.  She seemed to be encouraged when we talked to her about her relationship with Jesus but when we asked her about her friends she started to cry.  No one visits her or even wants to be near her.  These are the people that we need to love on.  I cant help but think about the kids in schools in the states – those ones that no one likes – they need someone – the need me and you but more importantly they need to know the love that Jesus offers.

Now however my new week began and new things are happening.  For one – Raymond just got back and I'm praying that he will take the keys back J! 

Please keep me in your prayers though!  Drama at the house is seeping in and I'm hoping to escape it! 


Cross on a shack in Red Hill