
Saturday, March 5, 2011


So I know I complained about the power cuts, and I am certain that I will never get use to them or the heat but I am feeling more confident about it today.  I am not sure if its because of Amy's inspiring conversation of how we will survive together and her offer for me to stay at her house when my power is off and hers is on or if its just that I made it through a whole week of it so far.  But either way I have to face it and I will!

I went to the school this week to see if I could move our 30 Hour Famine Lock-In to the auditorium there and they gave us permission!  What school gives a youth group permission to stay the night on campus?  We do have to pay but I think I can barter them down a few hundred bucks.  ISO has a generator and so they run it when the power goes out so we will have AC and lights for our all nighter next Friday.  I also got permission to use one of the classrooms for WIRED youth group on Thursdays.  I heard some complaining though from some of the kids so if I can get my generator fixed then hopefully we will not move youth group there.  I am all for it though because they wont charge me, we will have VERY good AC and it wont be using my electricity here at the house (which is very expensive in this country).  But we shall see.

Today there is Edge - which is a worship service for the ex-pat community in English.  One of the girls in the youth group suggested that we have a bake sale for the 30 Hour Famine at Edge and since I am all about using their ideas I said yes!  Even though this bake sale will not really make a ton of money I am finding that its a great way to get some kids involved who have not been interested in gaining pledges for the fast.  So today, I am going to make some cookies (if the power stays on) and sacrifice some of my precious chocolate chips! :)

Also a team came in last night from the States!  I love it when teams come in - its fun to meet some new people and I love how they look at Burkina with brand new eyes.  Its good for me to see that every once in awhile and remember that this totally is Africa.  Its so easy to forget sometimes!  Anyways this team just happens to be bringing some things for me!  So I am so excited to see what my mom sent me for my Birthday! :) Yippy!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for birthdays!! Have fun baking today!
