
Saturday, November 6, 2010

Why you shouldn't lie to students:

There is a festival of sorts going on in Ouaga currently called SIAO.  It’s basically a big fair with a TON of venders selling stuff from all over Africa – its pretty sweet. 

Last night I went with some of the youth to check it out and buy some fun stuff.  While we were walking around we ran into this ladies selling t-shirts and fun African looking souvenirs (which is basically what everyone is selling…).  They were selling this cloth book cover/protector for small books and there was a book inside of it to display it.  I opened up the book and it was written in Chinese characters.  Micah and Robbie asked if I could read it so I told them I could.  They were pretty doubtful but I was fooling them.  The lady selling it was looking at me knowing the truth and so while laughing she reached over and turned the book over in my hands because I was holding it upside down!

I have never seen those boys laugh so hard! 

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