
Friday, February 4, 2011

A post for Kandice

She graciously pointed out I haven’t blogged in a week – ish.

Speaking of ish – I read a children’s book called Ish when I subbed for third grade this week.  It was actually a very cute book and I feel like I could relate to it.  It just talked about how this little boy whos brother made fun of his drawings but his sister loved his drawings and said that they were kind of like what he had hoped they would be.  She said that his picture of a vase was vase-ish.  I feel like often times I am in the ish category.  I'm learning as a go and things turn out kind of like they should be (although I'm not entirely sure anyone knows how they should be).  Youth group is youth group – ish, my French is French – ish J and so on…  things look different here for many reasons.  I'm the only leader, I am new, its hard balancing middle school and high school, French is sooo HARD, really I could go on an on.  But the book ended with the boy continuing to draw and paint and write and appreciating the beauty of ish.  And for me, really I just need to keep going, keep learning, keep following and listening to the Lord, because its his opinion that matters and what the world says things should look like – God sees differently.  

1 comment:

  1. i always say ish!!! this post was for me! :)
    i love you and i think you're wonderful-est not wonderful-ish!!! :)
