I have been pretty busy since I got here – maybe not physically (although I have done a lot) but busy in just figuring things out and meeting people and just trying to make it so far. It hasn’t always been easy, I experienced some homesickness already, but it has been good. I can tell that everyone here is patient and caring and has no problem helping me and being here for me so that makes it nice.
But back to what I have been doing.
I went to a movie night put on by the youth at one of their houses – that was a lot of fun. It was a neat setting to interact with them. Plus one of them is very talented in some crazy fire throwing/spinning thing…I'm not too sure what it is but it was neat!
Saturday highlights included having pancakes at the American embassy rec center where I met some neat ladies and went swimming, having lunch at the Wolters home, and having dinner with Lorinda, a missionary here (I am being well fed).
Sunday was exciting! I got to experience church here. It included singing in French, followed by a sermon in French, and ending with hour long announcements in…you guessed it: French (needless to say I didn’t catch a thing). In the afternoon I played ultimate Frisbee! It was such a great way to hang out with the youth kids and their parents, as well as meet some new folks here (plus I have not sweated that much since high school sports!). In the evening Sarah and I went over to the Nehlsons for a home cooked meal of sausage and mac and cheese.
Ultimate frisbee!
Today was great too – I got some money (yippy!) and had a great home cooked Korean meal! Now I am updating this and talking to my parents on skype!
Glad to see all the updates. keep 'em coming - makes ME homesick!!!!