Easter in Leo was a new experience all together. The Lyon’s have started a church in their neighborhood – and by neighborhood I mean village. Easter morning we drove about a mile through mud huts and bunny trails and parked under a tree. Around the other side of the tree we sat on benches and had a church service. The church consisted of about 10 adults and 40 kids. We sang and danced and listened to a sermon (it was in French but I caught some of it). I had ants crawl up my skirt but overall it was a good service. Then afterwards we had a church potluck! But this potluck was sardine sandwiches.
Easter in the village is certainly a different experience and honestly for me I couldn’t even tell it was Easter. All the things that make that day Easter in the past were gone – except for the whole reason for the event (thank you Jesus.) It was strange without family, a big special church service, eggs, salads and pastel colors. I did have a great day and a great experience though.
We came home from church and had leftovers (the sardine sandwiches just didn’t cut it). Then we played Risk (well I actually fell asleep during that game – so long), rode bikes down the road and hung out and talked. It was a great day and certainly unforgettable!