As it turns out I really loved my time in Africa – I'm sure you all could tell that from every blog I wrote while I was gone. But even things that were not that great I'm finding myself missing – how weird is that?!
So here is the list of weird things that I may not have loved while I was gone and yet am craving to have them back again:
1. Warm milk – I'm a big fan of cold milk but shelf milk is very popular in South Africa and I was starting to get use to it.
2. Winter – its just really hot here. I find myself wishing that just for 5 minutes it would rain enough to keep me cool (I suppose its good I came here first instead of Redding).
3. The word now meaning later – now means now here, now in South Africa means in 10 or 15 minutes. Just now is even better – that means anywhere between a half hour and days…
4. Diversity – every black person I see (which is few and far between) I want to run up and hug.
5. Children – I'm getting confused why when I walk anywhere kids are not running up and holding onto my legs. It is easier to move around but I'm missing those beautiful faces looking up at me.
6. Xhosa and Afrikaans - couldn’t understand a word but I miss those beautiful languages and even being out of the loop.
7. Being the one with the accent – I was the one that people would giggle at because I said the English words funny.
8. Security – okay so I actually do not miss the insecurity that one felt when walking around but I do miss the community of always being with people. This is funny cus when I was there I just needed alone time every once in awhile.
9. The ocean – okay so I loved it when I was there too and I just miss it now.
10. Construction – so for the two months I was living in a house under construction and every day was like camping. I kinda want to cook in the living room.