My two months is just about up – I leave on Sunday. I still can’t believe how fast time has flown by. I'm sad that this is my last week. At T for T yesterday morning I had to tell two of my favorite ladies (although I have a lot of favorites) that I would be leaving in one week. Nomandla said that it was indeed bad news and that just as she starts to get to know me I have to leave. I think its time for me to not be a short time person any more. I think God needs to plant me somewhere so that I don’t have to say good-bye so often. We will see.
I mentioned to you guys about the break in we had last week. Things have calmed down quite a bit since then. It helps that we have guys living with us – a good sense of security. Plus these two guys add to the community we have here; its nice not having it so quiet.
Ministry this past week went very well – I seem to have a lot of good weeks here! Most everything was what I usually do, Red Hill children’s ministry, Masi Vulnerable Children’s clubs, visiting with women, bible studies, ect. We did not have bible study on Wednesday because of the death in Red Hill but we did have services to go to in the evening. They were…interesting! Everything was Xhosa so I didn’t understand a thing and there was a lot of yelling/preaching! The person who is speaking gets all worked up in their preaching and then as soon as they take a breath everyone else breaks into singing – even if the person is not done. It was quite an experience!
This weekend I went to a local beach called Boulders Beach. At this beach there are South African penguins! I have wanted to see them since I got here and so it was such a treat to finally be able to! I also got to play in the ocean and just have a fun relaxing day.